Huan Nong Lubricants Co., Ltd.

產 品Product 特 性Feature 規 格Specification
Seriola 1510 (2100)
Mineral based Heat Transfer Fluid

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[ 用 途 ]Applications:
  1. 家居與工業取暖 Heating of domestic and industrial premises
  2. 蒸汽與熱水生產 Production of steam and of water
  3. 空調 Air conditioning
  4. 倉儲溫控 Temperature control for storage bins
  5. 加熱式熱交換系統 (逆流交換器) Heating by heat exchange
  6. 各種熱媒系統 (管路、泵浦...等) All types of systems (piping, pump, etc)
  7. 油浴加熱系統,高壓鍋,反應槽,熔爐,模具,隧道乾燥機,橡/塑膠射出成型機,… 等 Heating of heat treament baths, autoclaves, reaction vessels. furnaces, dies, tunnel driers, injection moulding machines, etc
  8. 製程使用 (水泥業,紙業、木業,… 等) Manufacturing processes (cement works, paper mills, timber industry, etc)

[ 優 點 ]Advantages:
  1. 熱穩定性佳 Good thermal stability
  2. 高閃火點 High flash point
  3. 高黏度指數 High viscosity index
  • ISO 6743/12 class L family QB
  • DIN 51502 class L
Seriola K3120
Synthetic Heat Transfer Fluid based on Alkylbenzene

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[ 用 途 ]Applications:
  1. 家居與工業取暖 Heating of domestic and industrial premises
  2. 蒸汽與熱水生產 All types of systems (piping, pumps, etc)
  3. 空調 Production of steam and hot water
  4. 倉儲溫控 Heating of heat treatment baths
  5. 加熱式熱交換系統 (逆流交換器) Temperature control for storage bins
  6. 各種熱媒系統 (管路、泵浦...等) Manufacturing processes
  7. 油浴加熱系統,高壓鍋,反應槽,熔爐,模具,隧道乾燥機,橡/塑膠射出成型機,… 等 Heating by heat exchange
  8. 製程使用 (水泥業,紙業、木業,… 等) Operational temperature: from -20C to 300C
[ 優 點 ]Advantages:
  1. 抗熱裂解與抗氧化性佳,可長期使用。 Very long life cycle with good resistance to thermal cracking and to oxidation
  2. 可與礦物油混合使用。 Excellent thermal stability even at high temperature
  3. 高溫下熱穩定性優異。 Very good solubility for the oxidation products
  4. 流動點低,冬天易發動。 Miscible and compatible with all portion of mineral oil
  5. 自燃點極高,提高安全性。 Very high auto-ignition point
  • ISO 6743/12 class L family QB
  • DIN 51502 class L
Jarytherm DBT
Synthetic Heat Transfer Fluid, made from a blend of dibenzyltoluene isomers

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[ 用 途 ]Applications:
  1. 合成熱媒油,由二苯基對甲苯異構體掺配而成 Heat transfer installations by fluid circulation
  2. 用餘流體循環之熱傳導裝置 Operating from 0°C to + 350 °C in the mass (370 °C in the film) without air contact.
  3. JARYTHERM® DBT 在不與空氣接觸下,整體油的操作溫度為0℃至350℃(油膜溫度達370℃),主要用於化學及塑膠業之轉型應用(套筒押出機) JARYTHERM® DBT is used chiefly in the chemical and plastics transformation industries (barrel extruders).
[ 優 點 ]Advantages:
  1. 對熱裂解有優異的穩定性Excellent stability to thermal cracking:
    Authorizes lengthy periods without the formation of carbon deposits which can foul the circuit. Preserves the heat exchange characteristics of the installation.
  2. 抗氧化性Resistance to oxidation:
    具有良好的抗氧化性,即使暴露於空氣中,在控制情況下JARYTHERM® DBT 也能顯示此特性
    A thermal fluid must show good reistance to oxidation, even with limited exposure to oxygen in the air. JARYTHERM® DBT offers this characteristics.
  • ISO 6743/12 class L-QD
Seriola DTH
Cleaning additive for heat transfer circuits

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[ 用 途 ]Applications:
--- 熱媒系統換油前清洗 ---
  1. 在更換熱媒油前 1-2 週置入系統中使用。 Used diluted in the fluid for circuits requiring cleaning
  2. 用量僅需系統存油之 3-5%,視殘碳或阻塞情況而定。 Can be used for cleaning operations or as a preventive means.
  3. 使用時不需停機,可正常操作。 For cleaning add 5% minimum of Seriola D in the circuit 24 to 48 hours before oil change while maintaining the fluid circulation at the normal use temperature (approximately 270C)
[ 優 點 ]Advantages:
  1. 高溫穩定性強。 High detergency and dispersiveness level ensuring an efficient cleaning of the heat transfer circuit. Excelent thermal stability
  2. 閃火點高。 Completely miscible with all mineral-based heat transfer oils.
  3. 清潔性與分散性佳,可有效清除系統內積碳與殘渣。
  • ISO 6743/12 class L family QB